Tuesday, January 31, 2006


This blog is long overdue, but better late than never, right?
Our little monster is almost three and with that come a slew of developments and personal preferences that seem to change faster than one would ever imagine.

To start, here are the basics:
Dylan Malcolm H...
Original Stats:
Born - 2.25.03 @ 12:20 pm
Height - 21" (I think they measured wrong, probably more like 22.5-23)
Weight - 9 pounds even
Current Stats:
Height - 42-43"
Weight - 40.5 lbs.

Uniquely Dylan:
must wear socks at all times unless in the tub or wearing footy pajamas
underwear must be hand selected by Dylan each morning
dancing is to wiggle hips Elvis style

Movie - Lion King
Activity - swimming
Food - cheeseburger or turkey burger
Book - Oh the Thinks You Can Think
Music - his Russian children's CD
Animal - lion
Toy - blocks

Not so Favorites:
Sweaters (don't know why)
The word "no" when directed at him

Overall, Dylan always has and continues to be an incredibly easy going, easy in general babe.

More to come...

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