Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Upcoming Birthday

Thoughts are swirling through my head as Dylan approaches his third birthday. It's hard to believe that not quite three years ago we didn't even know if we were going to be the proud parents of a son or daughter and here we are with a walking, jumping, dancing, singing, talking, playing little person whose smile has enough wattage to light up an entire city.

Dylan has brought so much pure, unadulterated joy into our lives. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, compares to the smile and hugs a child can give when they are excited to see you. To get these hugs, smiles and kisses on a daily basis is enough to send one into a tailspin of wondering how this kind of luck has been bestowed upon you.

In the past week, D has started singing about little Joeys jumping on the bed. It's quite the site to see. He has also, much to our joy?, rediscovered the drum and symbols he got for Chanukkah. It's a treat. He insists on all of us having an instrument and playing at the same time. Who knew we would have a family band.

We have had a few questions of what Dylan would like for his bday. He does NOT need any more toys. He has plenty, seriously, no room left in the play room. So, here's a brief list of what he would like for his bday:
Fridge Fonics
Leap Frog - Letter Factory
Anything Shrek related (he has the DVDs)
Spring/summer clothes (4T shorts/5 or 6T tops)
And, the best gift of all - college fund contributions ;)

1 comment:

LDawg said...'re the Partridge Family!!! -F.A.L.